Superhero Me

2020 Films List


Availability ended CDT
Competence without confidence
Not your ordinary superhero movie-- no lycra, no costumes. Our hero is loved by his community fo​r his heroic deeds, but he's not loved by himself. Watch as he attempts to reconcile his extra-ordinary gifts and his self-perceived social awkwardness. His journey leads him to have to decide who has the truest perception of him; himself or those around him.

Included with


Directed by David Bradburn

Written by David Bradburn and Nick Kryzcka

Production Company Fork the Man Productions

Produced by David Bradburn

Cast Craig James Jr
Jacob Moore
Jeanette DiGiovine
Emily Barber
Molly Cofman
Sean Walton Ricardo de Herrera
Annelyse Ahmad
Alaina Bradburn
Mika Bradburn
Anthony Bradburn
Josiah Bradburn
Brigid Marshall
Taylor Jed Martin
Benjamin Nicholson
Adam Stephenson
Scott Trinter